Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Founding Member membership level.

With "Founding Member" membership you will have full access to every post in this web and some presents by Asciende - Updates on the project - Every course, workshop, interviews with Pro's, you have it for free. - Full post about knowledge and science performance. - Post, comments and join the community. - 10% discount in our training and nutrition plans. - 20% discount in every Asciende Course. - 20% discount in our Coaching 1:1.

The price for membership is €99.00 per Year.

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#you learn we support

La plataforma de apoyo a los atletas

Qué es Asciende

Una plataforma colaborativa entre las distintos profesionales del deporte, con el objetivo de apoyar a atletas a mejorar sus condiciones y posibilidades profesionales. Entrenamiento, Nutrición, Información y experiencias para tu rendimiento